September 16, 2008

Goldfinch Feast

I was so glad that I was home, having my morning tea at the kitchen table when this goldfinch came along for his breakfast. I was hoping to catch him one day, because I could tell that he had been around picking the seeds out of the sunflowers. I had to take the photo through the window, so it is a little fuzzy, but there he is on top of the biggest flower. He was reaching down and having a great breakfast. Next, along came a hummingbird, and he is even harder to catch. He is in the bigger photo, but in this blog photo he is hard to see, on the right side, just before the sunflower, almost in a c shape againt the background of the grass.
I am enjoying some other end-of- summer blossoms. There is some lupine that has just gotten big enough to bloom, and roses again. I know that when what we call Brown-eyed Susans appear there is not much left to blossom. At that point in the year I begin to make plans for next year. "Let me think, next year I will try to move that plant over there, and I want a new plant here".. and on and on. The planning ahead begins so I can look forward to next year!


Vanessa said...

when you click on the photo it enlarges and you can see both quite clearly- the hummingbird in mid-flight is VERY cool

Lisa said...

My sunflowers are all drooping over now too. They haven't attracted any birds yet. It probably isn't as cold here as it is there. The birds have been starting to hover around the feeders though. They sense that cold weather is close.

Meridith Emilie said...

I wish I could have a garden which birds visited! Some day I will, but for now I have to settle for my mini potted herb 'garden' on the back steps.