Today was the best day this spring. USO -Unidentified Shining Object in the sky. Temperature in the 50s this afternoon. I like it! Dick was ready to barbecue when I got home. He made a new marinade that is better than his last. I don't know if he would be willing to spill the secret or not, but he might if he were pressed a little.
I have items that need to get in the mail for a little girl that will be pleased I hope. I just want to show that I have been using my time wisely and not watching TV all winter, vegging out. There were other items a few entries back to add to this batch.
I did veg this week however. I had made an appointment with my doctor for updating prescriptions and by the time the day of the appointment arrived I had spring allergies in full bloom mode. I found out I had a sinus infection that had gone into my ear. The day I had felt the worst was Easter, and Mom and Dad were here for dinner. Dick had cooked dinner so all I had to do was visit, so it was still a nice day. Mom and Dad both got caught up on Vanessa's and Meridith's blogs.