The next feature I have learned to add is a slide show, so if you click on the above photo of my garden you will be able to see more of it. It has taken me most of today, but it was worth it for me to learn. The easy part was taking the photos, since downloading those to the computer is a snap. I made an account at Photobucket, created an album, and added a link to my blog. While I was there I also added a link to my MySpace page - might as well link my world all together.
You have put a lot of time and forethought into your masterpeice.
Your blog looks nice! You are doing better than me seeing I havent even attempted one. Keep up the good work, let me know if you have any questions.
I am very impressed with your landscaping ability- it looks so natural and effortless, which means that you did a great job planning it!
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